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Are you or a loved one
with alcohol or drugs?


We are a private alcohol and other drugs outpatient treatment clinic based in east Auckland. We offer individual counselling/psychotherapy and/or group therapy and five different intensive outpatient treatment programmes to those who are dependent on a substance (be it alcoholdrugs or prescription medication). We understand that people from all walks of life can suffer from addiction therefore we offer a discreet, confidential, caring environment designed to support you on your recovery journey. 


Our clinicians are highly qualified professionals with over 10 years specialised professional experience. We also have clinical staff that has over 20 years of personally lived experience. These staff members have walked their own journeys in mental health and addiction, conquering serious life difficulties, developing and changing and living a successful life in recovery. Our therapy and treatment programmes are founded on evidence-based practices and are delivered by addiction registered experts with a deep commitment to helping you recover and successfully live a recovery focused lifestyle with a high quality of life. 

Our service specialises in supporting and treating addiction in an organised, non-residential treatment setting. The programmes are designed to accommodate clients’ work and personal schedules while still adhering to a regular, intensive treatment plan. They do not include medical detoxification and typically offer an array of services for 10-12 hours per week. Our clinic will refer you to the appropriate medical detoxification service or residential facility when and if needed.

09 950 7780

"I loved my one on one session each week. It was insightful and provided me with some much needed support and accountability. The team at Clinic 77 are really friendly and incredibly professional."

Anonymous (male) 

"I joined one of Clinic 77's women's groups. I was really apprehensive and nervous about talking about my stuff with complete strangers. I'm also a very shy person. However, I got so much out of the material we covered and I walked away each week feeling really hopeful about my recovery."

Anonymous (female)


Our starting point begins at anything’s possible! 


We hold this for your life because we have experienced our own miracles first hand.


We understand what it’s like to be stuck in a black hole and see no way out and believe that this is the end

of your life, as you know it. We know the black hole experience and how it stripped us of all dignity, reducing ones life to an empty and isolated void. Despair and hopelessness become your old, familiar friends and any hint of hope is squashed by the demanding cries of your so-called ‘best friend’ (alcohol, lorazepam, marijuana, MDMA, morphine and methamphetamine). Eventually our so called ‘best friend's’ loyalty waned and our substance dependency led us to an isolated existence, having lost the will to live and the ability to hold down a job. Our worlds had contracted so much that family and friends no longer rated. Death at times seemed the only option, as we were swallowed whole into the depths of addiction, a living, personal, internal hell.

Hindsight is always a beautiful thing, as we turn our heads back over our lives and reflect where we have come from, we marvel at the miracle and transformation which has taken place. The miracle was founded on ‘just one day at a time’ and sometimes it consisted of breaking it down to ‘one moment at a time’. Our miracles were not as flippant as waving a magic wand and waking up to a new life and a new, better and improved version of ourselves. It was grounded on making small changes every day, listening and doing what others told us to do, we all know that old saying "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome". Having the revelation that ‘trusting ourselves’ is what got us here in the first place, was a massive key. Waking up everyday and choosing recovery, which looked like surrounding ourselves with like minded people who would catapult us forward in our lives. We understood that doing life by ourselves was a recipe for disaster but cherishing people and relationships which believed in us (Family and friends we could never have done it without you, you are the backbone of our recovery. You know who you are!) is what helped get us through. Finally, coming to the realisation that we were created for a purpose, something greater than ourselves, we recognised God was instrumental to do all that we were not able to do. 


We arrived at the name Clinic 77 because of the incredible meaning the numbers 77 hold and which we so personally resonate with, personal freedom. Breaking this down it also incorporates transformation, awakening, self discovery (introspection). As we discover ourselves by looking inward and partnering that with increased knowledge (around the disease of addiction) this makes way to greater motivational change, transformation and ultimately - internal freedom. 


We believe we were born to give back, like a pebble thrown into a pond, although we may be small,
individually and collectively we can leave a huge impact on the world around us. 


We believe in you!  


Tarsha & Charlene

Drug and Alcohol
Practitioners Association
Aotearoa New Zealand
New Zealand
Association of
The Psychotherapists
Board of Aotearoa
New Zealand


Aftercare Relapse

Need some on-going encouragement, support and structure on your recovery journey. We would love to get along side you!


AOD Intensive

Feeling like your world is caving in, are alcohol or drugs taking over the control of your life? Get help today, our programme will help you to recover your life back.

Family & 


Are you feeling alone and isolated carrying the burden of a family member or friend who is battling alcohol or drugs. We want to help support you!



Join one of our men or women groups and experience hope and encouragement in our recovery focused groups. 




Do you feel like you're

losing control of your life due

to prescription medication dependency? We want

to help you!


Anxiety &

Are you struggling with anxiety or depression? Are these having a negative impact on your daily life?

We can help!




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